A Little Bit
I write books for kids. I travel. I write books for kids about places I go and places I’d like to go. I love finding out about new things: history, science, culture, and how all things are connected. When I’m at home I like to cook, garden, tear up the house and fix it up again, walk, read, and always (always!) write. I live in Tucson with my husband and a courageous houseplant.
A Bit More
Jobs I’ve had (in no particular order): hardware salesman, librarian, teacher, accountant, teacher trainer, educational content developer, writer
Hardest job I ever had: Mom
First writing job: I wrote a weekly column for the Perry Daily Journal in Perry, Oklahoma called An Optimist’s View.
College Degrees: Education, Geography
Number of states I’ve visited: 48
Number of countries I’ve visited: 30
Most unusual place I’ve lived: I lived in Male’, Maldives, an island a little over a mile across, for 14 months.
Things I can do: crochet, tile a floor, grow and can vegetables, shingle a roof, edit technical papers, scuba dive, make a wedding gown, play softball
Things I won’t do again: Decide to let my hair grow until I sell a novel